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To Envision, Equip, and Enable
                    all classes of people to acquire the critical knowledge, skills, and abilities 
to reach their full potential.
Help Us, Help Others. Tell someone you know about how Life Focus can benefit them. A low cost solution to a high cost problem. 
Life Focus Empowerment Network, Inc provides the following life skills education programs at a low cost. 

Life Focus will establish empowerment tracks for each program that will include educational information, the physical, psychological, and emotional changes associated with the problem, a visual illustration that will enhance the structure of the lesson, and one-on-one counseling for every individual.

For questions about which program is right for you, contact us today.

The following is a list of programs available through Life Focus

6829 Fillyaw Road *Suite 105* 
Fayetteville, NC 28304 (910) 257-4310
© Life Focus Empowerment Network Inc 2010. All Rights Reserved

Marriage and Relationship Empowerment

A creative and dynamic approach to building healthy and safe relationships.
Family Relationship Building
Gain knowledge of the elements required to build positive family relationships.
Finance Management
Be in the minority, discover how to master your financial future.
Anger Management
Learn how to properly channel the emotion of anger and use it in a constructive manner.
Parenting Skills
Proactive strategies for raising children that will enhance a child's physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Employment Development
Life skills for securing the vocation you really want.

Our excellent Life Skills programs have currently reached over 4000 teens and adults